Castillo Knives FAQs
Yes, we offer international shipping, including to the USA and many other countries.
We accept a variety of payment methods through Shopify Payments, including major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), PayPal, and other local payment options.
We process and ship all orders from the Netherlands. Once your order is placed, it typically takes 1-2 business days to process. Shipping to the USA usually takes between 5-10 business days, depending on the shipping method and your location. Please note that customs clearance may cause minor delays, which are beyond our control. We will provide tracking information as soon as your order ships, so you can follow its journey to your doorstep!
Once your order is shipped via PostNL, you'll receive a tracking number to monitor its progress. You can track the status of your shipment on the PostNL website.
We stand behind the quality of our knives. Our warranty covers any defects in material or craftsmanship, but does not cover damage from excessive wear and tear, misuse (such as prying or throwing), or aftermarket modifications. Please email with photos and descriptions of the issue.
Get in touch
If the answer to your questions could not be found in the FAQ above, feel free to send us a message via the form below. We will get in touch with you within 48 hours.